
What Makes Causal Coaching Different?

When I tell people that I am a Life Coach, there’s usually a pause followed shortly by the polite question, “What does a life coach do?”

The answer is not that simple.

Most people are familiar with the image of a person at a gym who provides personal fitness coaching. They would likely give you instruction on training that focuses on form, technique, routine and possibly nutrition.

But ask yourself this: do you want to level up your life by following someone else’s thinking?

As a Life Coach who uses Causal Coaching strategies, we certainly discuss methods for supporting wellness, but the true focus is on the mindset necessary to unlock success.

The causal aspect refers to the concept that our thoughts cause our feelings. We take actions from our feelings, so this is about applying what we learn from those actions – or inactions – to generate our results.

This approach to life coaching is not about setting goals and creating a to-do list with accountability check-ins. (That said, we will absolutely set goals and we will talk about actions.) But I teach that the secret sauce is in learning the self-awareness of managing the mind.

My coaching tools are based in cognitive science, neurobiology, positive psychology and listening to the wisdom of your body.

As a lifecoach, I help individuals create the results of their dreams.

That may sound dramatic or fluffy, but trust me, it is not. Having a life coach provides a person with a nonbiased, confidential, safe place to examine and hone their thinking.

I listen intently to my clients and hear where their thoughts go, then identify when their thoughts do not serve them and teach them how to develop the mindset that, in the end, causes them to accomplish the goals they desire.